
A Review: The Guide to the Perplexed: A New English Translation (with Rabbi Shnayor Burton)

Nachi Weinstein Season 6 Episode 15

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> This episode is dedicated by Mikey Stone, L'Ilui Nishmas Rav Mordechai Jofen ZT'L and in order to promote the careful study of the Rambam’s Torah.

> We discussed learning Moreh in general and who this is good for, which version is recommended, the strengths and weaknesses of this new edition with examples, and more.

> To read Rabbi Burton's written review in the Winter edition of Jewish Action:

> To purchase the English edition "Kisvei HaRambam: Vol 1" edited by Rabbi Burton:

> To purchase the English Edition, "Kisvei HaRambam: Vol 2" edited by Rabbi Burton:
> To purchase, "The Guide to the Perplexed: A New Translation":

> To purchase, "A Guide to The Guide to the Perplexed: A Reader’s Companion to Maimonides’ Masterwork":

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