The Seforimchatter podcast is dedicated to the discussion of Seforim (holy texts and works pertaining to them), Jewish (non-sacred) Books, Jewish History and more. The variety of guests include rabbis, professors, historians, authors, editors, and others in the field. For more information or to sponsor a show, check out seforimchatter.com or email info@seforimchatter.com
The Jews of Medieval England: Life, Violence, and Expulsion (ft. Prof. John Tolan)
> We discussed the origins of England's Jews, their professions, contact with the non-Jews, the general attitude of non-Jews towards the Jews, the attitude of the church, Blood Libel (William of Norwich & Hugh of Lincoln), the massacre at York, the expulsion of the Jews in 1290, and much more.
> To purchase, "England's Jews: Finance, Violence, and the Crown in the Thirteenth Century" click here.
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