
With R' Moshe Flohr discussing Siddur Otzar HaTefillos and his project to redo the Siddur

Nachi Weinstein Season 5 Episode 1


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With R' Moshe Flohr discussing Siddur Otzar HaTefillos and his current project to redo the Siddur

We discussed the history of the Otzar HaTefillos Siddur, the commentaries included (background of the authors, manuscript & print history, what each commentary does, etc), R' Moshe's new project to redo the Siddur, examples from the Sirru, and more

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To be clear, the Sefer is on the entire Viduy including Ashamnu, Al Chait and Viduy of Ne'ilah, plus Avinu Malkeinu

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