The Seforimchatter podcast is dedicated to the discussion of Seforim (holy texts and works pertaining to them), Jewish (non-sacred) Books, Jewish History and more. The variety of guests include rabbis, professors, historians, authors, editors, and others in the field. For more information or to sponsor a show, check out seforimchatter.com or email info@seforimchatter.com
With Rabbi Edward Reichman, MD discussing his new book, The Anatomy of Jewish Law, on the topic of Medicine, Medical History, and Rabbinic Literature
** To support the podcast: https://seforimchatter.com/support-seforimchatter/ or email seforimchatter@gmail.com**
With Rabbi Edward Reichman, MD discussing his new book, The Anatomy of Jewish Law, on the topic of Medicine, Medical History, and Rabbinic Literature.
We various topics from the book inlcuding, The Luz bone, Mumia, Vaccinations, Covid-19, transplanation, Rav Yehonosan Eyebeshutz, other projects of his, and more
To purchase “The Anatomy of Jewish Law”; https://amzn.to/3U8R9v6
To purchase “Pondering Pre-Modern Pandemics in Jewish History”: https://amzn.to/3gEUV1A