
With Prof. Yochanan Petrovsky-Shtern discussing the Russians' war against Ukraine: The stakes for the Jews

Seforimchatter Season 3 Episode 37
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00:00 | 45:01


We discussed the origins of the Jews of Ukraine, the current Jewish communities there, anti-semitism of the Ukrainians throughout the years and his book about this, why we should care about the conflict, what we can do to help, and more

To purchase, "The Golden Age Shtetl":

To purchase, "Jews and Ukrainians: A Millennium of Coexistence":

Rabbonim in Ukraine to contact to assist (mentioned by Prof. Petrovsky-Shtern, google contact info): 
Rabbi Mordekhai Bald (Lviv), Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetzky (Dnipro), Rabbi Shlomo Baksht (Odessa), Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm (Zhytomyr), Rabbi Menahem Glitzenstein (Chernivtsi)

Links mentioned by Prof. Petrovsky-Shtern:

NGO that arranges life-saving equipment for Ukrainian soldiers 

Hospitallers working at the frontline

Ukrainian Women’s Veteran Movement

NGO that assists internal refugees

NGO that aids traumatised children

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