The Seforimchatter podcast is dedicated to the discussion of Seforim (holy texts and works pertaining to them), Jewish (non-sacred) Books, Jewish History and more. The variety of guests include rabbis, professors, historians, authors, editors, and others in the field. For more information or to sponsor a show, check out seforimchatter.com or email info@seforimchatter.com
With Prof. Adam Teller discussing his new book on the Khmelnytsky massacres (Tach-V'Tat) and the refugee crisis that followed
Live Show #19. With Prof. Adam Teller of Brown University discussing his new book "Rescue the Surviving Souls: The Great Jewish Refugee Crisis of the Seventeenth Century" (Princeton University Press) about the Khmelnytsky massacres in the Polish - Lithunian Commonwealth in the 17th Century (also known as "Tach-V'Tat ת"ח ות"ט for the years 1648 - 1649) and the subsequent refugee crisis caused by this.
To purchase the book: https://amzn.to/3J3iRGO
And to read the famous chronicle Yavein Metsulah יון מצולה (Which Prof. Teller is working on a brand new English edition) see here: https://hebrewbooks.org/44179